A "Hello, World" website for our baby who is still in development
A "Hello, World" website for our baby who is still in development
You had me at “Hello, World”
In case it wasn’t already obvious, Nicole and I are having a baby! And I thought that the best way to express my love and excitement was to create a landing page dedicated to our child.
For the geeks out there, I am using a Gatsby boilerplate, bootstrap for styling, hosted on Cloudflare Workers with a CI/CD pipeline automated when I push to my staging & master branches on GitHub. I plan to make a full guide on how I managed to get this site up and running so quickly on my personal blog some time in the near future.
Nicole and I have decided to have our child in Portugal. Nicole has done an excellent job of picking a doctor, getting monthly checkups and sonograms. Nicole has also picked a hospital where we are delivering.
We feel blessed that my company gave us this opportunity to live 1.5 years in Europe and count our blessings during these difficult times. We miss all of our friends and family very much and never expected to be separated from you all for so long. We hope that this website will help bridge the connection as we all distance ourselves socially and stay connected via the internet.